Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ollie and me

Should be in BED! The alarm will go off (ready or not!) in less than six hours, and I have the runny-crazies. You know, like a cat at midnight. My ears are twitching and I find myself across the room wondering why I'm standing there.

Jamie Oliver is on the brain tonight. Young, cutesy British chef, who used to have a show called The Naked Chef on the Food Network a few years back. I checked out one of his cookbooks from the library the other day, and I <3 him. Toad in the hole: super good. But the best thing about it is that he seems to have written the copy himself, and you get to see a little what his life is like. There's a picture of him eating a salad with his gas man, and another of him eating a frozen fishstick sandwich. How cool is that?

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