Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nano, my Nano

Just a few weeks now until November 1st, are you ready?

I have my note cards ready, a fuzzy idea of what the novel will be about, and a tentative title. Yay, Me! If you haven't already figured it out, I'm talking about National Novel Writing Month. Basically, you write a novel in a month. 50K (words) in 30days. You in?

If you're wondering why anyone would do such a thing, the answer is: Why not? What have you got to lose?
Didn't you ever want to write a novel? Isn't there some spark you've had on the WAY back burner that thinks, I could write a novel if I had the time! Well, now is the time. November is one month out of your life, and by December 1st, you could have written a novel!

Broken down, it's 1667 words a day. You can do it. I've done it. Over 100,000 people signed up last year. Now it's your turn.

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